Welcome to Self vs. Selfie Performing Identity Online, a blog for our course on the ways we shape ourselves and are shaped by online environments.
Writing 150: Writing and Critical Reasoning: Identity and Diversity
Self vs. Selfie Performing Identity Online

From Twitter to Facebook, from Instagram to Snapchat, we formulate versions of ourselves which we circulate on networks. These social networks make material the process of symbolic construction of our identities: our gender, sexuality, race-ethnicity, and socio-economic status. With each Tweet, each selfie, each Like, we create a public sense of ourselves. And yet those social networks in which we create ourselves also shape and are shaped by that identity. Over time, our networks begin to homogenize, according to identity, ideology, opportunity, and location. Often the rate at which these networks form prevents us from reflecting on their nature.
What self do we post in our selfies? With what other selves do we network? How does our identity materialize? This site will be a source for your postings on topical matters of online self-representation.

I taught a Winter intercession course in anthro and sociology on the Presentation of Digital Selfies. Love the assignments you give!